1 7-lb pork shoulder roast, bone-in, tied
1 T olive oil
Gray sea salt
2 c water
Fresh herbs, such as sage or rosemary, if desired
You will also need:
Roasting pan
Roasting rack
Preheat oven to 300oF. Rub the roast with the olive oil and fresh herbs (if desired). Coat generously with gray sea salt. Sprinkle with freshly-ground pepper. Place the meat on the roasting rack in the roasting pan. Add 2 cups water to the bottom of the pan, making sure it does not touch the meat. Roast uncovered in the oven for 1 hour per pound of meat. When meat is done, remove from the oven and allow to rest at room temperature (this is difficult, as you really want to start eating this right away!) for at least 15 minutes before slicing. Serves about 6-8 people.